Monday, May 31, 2010

How To Get My Ex-Back?

There are always two sides to look in to a relationship failure, and which also depends on the kind of intensity you shared with your ex-girlfriend. Love makes you do things which are entertaining, intelligent, disciplined and most of all, foolish. There are many ways one can deal with misunderstandings or major issues which leads to break up, but it again depends on the kind of personality, character and nature you have. Don't haunt yourself with question How to get my Ex back every time, as doing things which needs to be done, proves your mental strength.
That you want your ex-love back in your life is reason enough to prove that you love her too much but now, the ball is on her court and it’s her decision now. To change that decision can sometime be more difficult and may even be impossible. Circumstances and the time gap, between breakup and desiring her back also matters here a lot. May be she has moved on personally as well as socially, if you know what it means.
Well, first thing first, apologize. Make her feel that you have realized that you were wrong and even though in between the conversation, you are reminded of how much hurt you were then, and ego creeps in, just stay calm and focused and get her back. Don’t let your male ego surface again to make the situation worse. Make her feel special, than ever before. Do something extravagant, do everything you can when after struggling for long, have at last managed a meeting with her. Don’t stalk her or interfere immediately in her life as if you have any right any more on her, make her feel independent before she says YES. Don’t forget, you are not his boyfriend anymore and that respecting that will only do well and help your case.
Give her something she likes, the best of it. Ask for a trial period from her, I know it sounds insane but making her feel that she would be in driver’s seat, will only make her wonder, and when female wonders, it’s positive. However, when you get that YES from her, deliver more than you promised. Sort out the difference; don’t hesitate to take the blame. Yes, you need to bend a bit which understandably can be difficult for a guy, but once you have her, you have forever to make her understand and come to a point, which is mutually benefitting your relationship. When you bend so much and do so much for her, she will realize that she is not perfect angel as well and that she has her share in creating those ugly misunderstanding as well. But, wait till then, let that come out naturally, let her take time.
However, when you go back and see her engaged with other guy, move on and don’t try to win her back, a quick move on, always proves that everything happens for its own good. Keeping relationship which hurts you, where there is no reciprocation, no care and where trust has died, is worth giving up. Dying once is better than dying every day, and more the period, longer will be the impact.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Never Fail Yourself Or Else Bear The Burden Named 'Love' Forever.

Busy, is what people are in their life to keep up with growing needs, in order to fulfill which we forget, life is not all about money or success, there is something called emotions too. Love is what we work for so hard and respect is something which comes in the package. All human beings are programmed to fall in love at least once in their life, whether one realizes this or suppress the feelings due to circumstances.
If you love someone truly, first thing you need to do is to send the message across and if you don’t say it someone else surely will, but not on behalf of you. Don’t you say sometimes to other when something bad happens or may be a great tragedy, that if I would’ve been there, this wouldn’t have happened? Yes, you do say it. Most of us feel bad and go back in time to think, only if this would have happened that way and so on.
However, now you know that you love that someone special but you are not able to say it, this can only turn out to be one of the tragedies you will talk about few years later. Everything does happen for good but sometimes it takes too long to realize this or few unfortunates never even do, and with a valid reason as well. Nothing can justify loosing love, whether physically or mentally or mostly both.
Speak your heart out; haven’t you heard anything that doesn’t kills you makes you stronger? Yes, it is true, and by saying those three magical words no one will die. Best that can happen is that you will start living more happily and don’t think of the worst beforehand, ever.
Go on, live your dream of winning your dream partner and turn it in to reality before it all becomes just another story for your grandchildren. There is more to this than that but being strong, positive and adding little materialistic tinge to the whole process of going ahead and living those most feared but beautiful moments when you say ‘I Love you’, will make you a winner in ways more than one, even if you lose.